The “Festival of the Dalmatian Pelican” third edition organized by Persina Nature Park Directorate collected many smiles and beaming children’s faces. The event took place on May 26 and 27 on the yard of the park’s visitor center as part of the “Pelican Way of LIFE” initiative.

In two days, hundreds of visitors joined the festival. There were activities for the children as well as interesting lectures and conservation videos for their parents and companions. The “Green Balkans” Wildlife Rehabilitation and Breeding Center as well as the animals – the Great white pelican Philip, the Dalmatian pelican Presiyana, the Little owl Blaga and the Buzzard Harry – were special guests of the festival. The team of Wildlife Center presented its work and told in detail about the process of rescuing and rehabilitating the wild birds, and festival-goers got to see the wild animals and feel their invigorating energy and calmness.

“Festival of the Dalmatian pelican” is an informational and educational event with a focus on conservation. Its main goal is to raise awareness of the general public about the restoration of the nesting area of the Dalmatian pelicans on the territory of the Persina Nature Park, to promote the measures taken by various institutions and organizations to protect the species nesting on the territory of Bulgaria, and to teach people to treat the wildlife with care and love.

The festival is a two-day event with open information studios and workshops, many educational events and training for those who wish to learn more about species conservation. Among the guests of the festival are the experts working in the field to restore the pelican population, so each visitor had the possibility to get first-hand information in an accessible and interesting way. Svilen Cheshmedjiev, the ornithologist from the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds, participated in talks, which enjoyed great interest from the audience, dedicated to the “Return of the Dalmatian Pelicans” and “The Life of the Dalmatian Pelican”.
“Festival of the Dalmatian pelican” is gaining wide popularity and becoming more and more known and visited by different audiences, so with its help, we aim to get more friends of the pelicans. We thank all participants, guests, and visitors. We hope you have filled yourself with a positive charge and love for the Danube nature. Persina Nature Park Directorate will continue to work for the protection of Dalmatian pelicans and the wetlands in the territory of the park that they inhabit,” tells Daniela Karakasheva from the Persina Nature Park Directorate.