Tag: Bulgaria

Seventh pelican census held in the Balkans

June 13, 2024  |  News

The seventh international pelican census was conducted at the very beginning of June in the Balkan countries. The census aims to collect data on the population and distribution of Dalmatian and Great white pelicans in the study area. The event was organized within the initiative “Pelican Way of LIFE” and was coordinated by the Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS).

Two Dalmatian pelicans with transmitters have died in Bulgaria and Romania

March 30, 2024  |  News

Over the past two months, two Dalmatian pelicans tagged with GPS transmitters have died. At the end of January, the young female pelican Stella was found dead in the area of Lake Mandrа near Burgas in Bulgaria, and a few weeks later, in the area of Lake Golovița in Romania, located north of the city of Constanța, the body of the adult female pelican Plamena was discovered. In both cases, the cause of death was entanglement in fishing nets, likely followed by drowning of the birds.

The first drone installation of bird diverters in Bulgaria

March 22, 2024  |  News

In late 2023, experts from the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds and Elektrorazpredelenie Yug EAD made history by installing reflective markers for birds, known as diverters, along a 20 kV overhead power line. This groundbreaking initiative, the first of its kind in Bulgaria, utilized drone technology for the installation.

Dalmatian pelicans are welcome to the Kalimok-Brushlen Protected Area

January 25, 2024  |  News

In late December, a joint team of experts and volunteers from the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) and a representative of the Tutrakan Tourism Development Association carried out activities to enhance nesting conditions for the protected Dalmatian Pelican in the Kalimok-Brushlen Protected Area.

Second nature conservation camp in the Persina Nature Park

September 26, 2023  |  News

The second volunteer conservation camp organized by the Directorate of the “Persina” Nature Park as part of the “Pelican Way of Life” initiative has successfully concluded. It was attended by students from the Erasmus+ project at “Dimcho Debelianov” High School in Belene.

Second Great white pelican tagged with a satellite transmitter in Bulgaria

September 20, 2023  |  News

At the end of August, a team from the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds (BSPB) successfully captured and tagged an adult male Great White Pelican with a satellite transmitter in the Burgas Lake area. Furthermore, the team also affixed a ring to an adult female pelican of the same species.

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