Tag: Romania

Positive progress for fish-eating birds in Romania: a step towards harmonious coexistence

June 28, 2024  |  News

Romania’s fish-eating birds, including cormorants and pelicans, are finding themselves at the center of a fascinating dialogue on human-wildlife coexistence. A recent technical report by the Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR) prepared within Pelican Way of LIFE initiative sheds light on the attitudes of fishery operators and managers towards these birds, and offers a glimmer of hope for more harmonious future interactions.

Two Dalmatian pelicans with transmitters have died in Bulgaria and Romania

March 30, 2024  |  News

Over the past two months, two Dalmatian pelicans tagged with GPS transmitters have died. At the end of January, the young female pelican Stella was found dead in the area of Lake Mandrа near Burgas in Bulgaria, and a few weeks later, in the area of Lake Golovița in Romania, located north of the city of Constanța, the body of the adult female pelican Plamena was discovered. In both cases, the cause of death was entanglement in fishing nets, likely followed by drowning of the birds.

Six Dalmatian pelicans equipped with satellite transmitters in Romania

January 19, 2024  |  News

A collaborative effort involving the Danube Delta National Research and Development Institute (INCDDD), the Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR), and the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Administration (ARBDD) successfully fitted six Dalmatian pelicans with GPS-GSM satellite transmitters during late November and early December.

Educational workshops on the world of birds were conducted in Romania

December 21, 2023  |  News

In November, the team from the Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR) visited schools in Giurgiu and Turnu Măgurele, delivering engaging sessions on birds, with a focus on the Dalmatian pelican. Nature education forms an important component of the Pelican Way of LIFE initiative.

Danube Delta educational camp connects kids with pelicans

August 4, 2023  |  News

A Danube Delta-based educational camp held in June saw over 50 participants from four countries come together to learn more about Dalmatian pelicans – and the important role that rewilding can play in recovering populations of this iconic bird across Europe.

Hope for the Dalmatian pelicans in Romania

March 27, 2023  |  News

An international census of wintering Dalmatian pelicans, which also took place in Romania at the end of 2022, shows encouraging results for the species population in the area.

Vote for the Bird of the Year 2023 in Romania

November 30, 2022  |  News

Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR) launched a vote for a Bird of the Year 2023. The campaign, held in November and December, highlights three species, the Dalmatian pelican among them, listed in the newly published Red List of Romanian bird species.

The avian flu strongly affected the population of the Dalmatian pelican in Romania

September 6, 2022  |  News

The total population of the Dalmatian pelican in Romania was severely affected by an epidemic of bird flu, at the beginning of this year’s nesting season. Moreover, the disease has caused mass mortality among pelicans in several areas of the Balkans. Greece, for example, has lost almost 40% of its total population of Dalmatian pelican, and cases of high mortality have also been recorded in Albania, as well as in Montenegro.

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