In November, the team from the Romanian Ornithological Society (SOR) visited schools in Giurgiu and Turnu Măgurele, delivering engaging sessions on birds, with a focus on the Dalmatian pelican. Nature education forms an important component of the Pelican Way of LIFE initiative.

Eager children awaited the conservationists to learn about the captivating avian world. Besides insights into migration, seasonal food habits, and local bird species, the workshops featured interactive games. The children immersed themselves in the birds’ perspective, gaining an understanding of the challenges they face in sharing the world with humans, emphasizing the interconnectedness of ecosystems.
Guided by the SOR team, pupils learned to distinguish between bird families, recognizing birds of prey, water birds, and songbirds. The workshops also highlighted the complexities of parenting in the avian world, showcasing the energy expended by birds in caring for their young.

Andreea Oprea from the SOR team shared, “I told the kids about the gorgeous Dalmatian pelican, which has the largest wingspan and is the largest pelican species in the world. And many more… One thing is clear: we always leave with the wish to meet again soon.”
These workshops were conducted as part of the Pelican Way of LIFE initiative. Connecting children with nature is not only beneficial for their health and development but can also contribute to shaping a generation of eco-conscious individuals. This generation will come to appreciate and understand the significance of preserving and restoring natural habitats, fostering a desire to actively participate in nature recovery efforts. So, the Pelican Way of LIFE initiative involves various educational activities across Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, as well as joint initiatives like the Pelican education camp held this summer in the Danube Delta. You can also explore the educational materials about the Dalmatian pelican and more produced in different countries.