Tag: dead bird

Two Dalmatian pelicans with transmitters have died in Bulgaria and Romania

March 30, 2024  |  News

Over the past two months, two Dalmatian pelicans tagged with GPS transmitters have died. At the end of January, the young female pelican Stella was found dead in the area of Lake Mandrа near Burgas in Bulgaria, and a few weeks later, in the area of Lake Golovița in Romania, located north of the city of Constanța, the body of the adult female pelican Plamena was discovered. In both cases, the cause of death was entanglement in fishing nets, likely followed by drowning of the birds.

New victims of the power lines in the wetlands of Greece

December 20, 2022  |  News

Last week a Dalmatian pelican was found dead due to a collision with the power lines in the area of Tourlida, in the Messolonghi Lagoon. 50% of the power transmission lines within the National Parks of Messolonghi Lagoon and Amvrakikos Gulf Wetlands are dangerous for Dalmatian pelicans and other bird species that breed in these areas, according to a study carried out by the Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS) as part of the Pelican Way of LIFE initiative.

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